
maybe im blind about this problem:
thats a row of my table(sql follows at the endof  that mail) named

kat_id - immo_id  - cr_uid  - tstamp
------ ------- ------ ------
35      -   318        - 1    - 1015874898
34      -   318        - 1    -  0
now  i like to get all immo_id's which have the same kat_id's like the
rows with the immo_id "318". With one query
means a join between two selects -
SELECT kat_id
FROM immo_kat
where immo_id = 318

an with the result :
SELECT immo_id
FROM immo_kat
where kat_id = '1' OR kat_id = '35' OR kat_id = '34'
Group by immo_id

I'm sorry - sound really easy - but maybe its to late
I would be very glad if someone can help me

heres the sql if needed

# Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `immo_kat`

CREATE TABLE immo_kat (
  kat_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  immo_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  cr_uid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  tstamp int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  KEY kat_id (kat_id)

# Daten für Tabelle `immo_kat`

INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES
INSERT INTO immo_kat (kat_id, immo_id, cr_uid, tstamp) VALUES

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