On Monday 18 March 2002 14:53, jas wrote:

> I need some help with a query to place the results within a text area...
> here is the code and so far every time I try it out all that happens is it
> displays the textbox but not the results of the query.
> <form name="wel_area" method="post" action="index_confirm.php3
> target="box"> <?php
> $record = mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query("SELECT wel_area FROM
> cm_index",$dbh));
> echo "<textarea name='wel_area' value='{$record['wel_area']}' cols='25'
> rows='8'></textarea><br><input type='submit' name='save'
> value='save'><br>\n";
> ?>
>       </form>

If this is *all* your code then you're missing the important step of 
connecting to the mysql server and selecting a database.

Have a look at the examples in the manual.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk

Most people don't need a great deal of love nearly so much as they need
a steady supply.

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