On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 02:42:08PM -0800, Andr?s Felipe Hern?ndez wrote:
>     Hi, I hope you can help me with this:
> I have these 3 tables.
> exam (
>     exam_id
>     )
> questions (
>     question_id
>     exam_id
>     )
> answers (
>     answer_id
>     question_id
>     )
> I am wondering if i can delete all the rows for answers linked to a given
> exam using only one delete statement.
> Thanks in advance,
> andres

delete answers 
where question_id in (select question_id from questions where exam_id=X)

I assume there isn't a one-to-one relationship between questions and
answers? If there is, your database is overnormalized.

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