Hi Andy,

it is difficult to give you an advice without the knowing about
how you are searching the database. But if you have to search
through all entries, it was a bad decision to split them up into
250 tables.

Some other hints:
You are lost without an index, because mysql have to do a full 
table scan to find the matching rows.

CREATE INDEX cityidx ON cities (city(10));
creates an index for the leading 10 characters of the column which
needs much less tablespace than a fulltext index and will probably
fitt your needs.

releases the tablespace lost after a DROP INDEX or after deleting

Do you really need a char(100) for the city names? If you can use
char(50) instead, the table would be much smaller.

Buy lot of ram and fast harddisks. And setup the mysql-server to use
the ram proberly.

Good luck,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andy) writes:

> Hi there,
> I used to work with a table containing over 2.5 million cities. This
> was verry slow even using indexes. So I did split the huge table into
> 250 tables named after their country. Example: gm_cities for the german city
> table.
> Now performance is ok, because my interface knows in which table
> to look at.
> A new problem arised. There is a need for a search on all tables to find a
> specific
> city. To find this city even in one table takes 0.5s which is a lot if you
> put it times 250 tables.
> I have to admit that there is no index on the city column yet. I tryed to
> put a full text index
> on the city column, but this busted up the table size from 2.5Mb to 7.5MB
> which made
> the querry take 1s.
> My questions are as follows:
> 1. whats wrong with this one table having 7.5Mb instead of 2.5 I did delete
> the index and optimized
> the table but still 7.5
> 2. What would be the best way to organize this data to make the search on
> this 2.5 mio entrys to
> take not longer than 0.5s? I could put it all into one table again, but this
> would meen a week of work
> because my application is based on this system. Maybe a good hint for
> putting the right index
> would be the best help for me.
> My tablestrukture looks like this:
> ID     ->    mediumint(9) unique index
> city   ->    char(100)
> province_id    -> char(2) index
> A nother story would be that it might take even longer because I have to get
> the province name and the country name
> out of the table countries and provinces
> Thank you for any help,
> Andy

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