One thing I noticed quickly.  You have too many opening ( on the line that 

         while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))

3 opening and 2 closing.
This would cause a parse error.  Without knowing which line is line 11, it is 
hard to say if there is anything else.  



Chris Grigor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Howdi guys 
> any help on this would be greatful
> I have a page that submits to this script with a value of search
> but when I submit it gives me an error Parse error: parse error 
in /var/www/html/ul/mysql_fetch_array.php on line 11 
> anyhelp here would be greatful, I dont see what the error could be 
> Thanks
> Chris
> <?php
>         mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password") or
>                 die("couldnt connect");
>         mysql_select_db("call_manage");
>         $query = "SELECT company_name, ticket_id, date from log_request 
where company_name like '%$search%'";
>         $result = mysql_query($query);
>         while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
>                 printf ("Company: %s Ticket id: %s Date: %s", $row
["company_name"], $row["ticket_id"], $row["date"]);
>         mysql_free_result($result);
> ?>    
> -- 
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