Look at setting up a couple of vars (I use $start_rec and $max_display) 
and then use these to do a LIMIT on your SELECT statement.

Then use a link to go to next item or previous item. Pseudo code:
        $first_rec = ($first_rec) ? $first_rec : 0; // if rec is passed in, 
use it else start at 0
        $max_display = 1;       // show one record at a time
        // first do a select of all records to get mysql_numrecs and assign 
to $num_recs
        // then get the current record
        $sql = "select * from $table LIMIT $first_rec,$max_display";
        $next = $first_rec+1; $prev_rec=$first_rec-1;
        $this_rec = $next; // same record number as current, except 1-based
        echo "<a href='file.php?first_rec= $prev_rec'>Previous</a>
                Showing $this_rec of $num_recs<a 

On Thursday, May 16, 2002, at 08:32  AM, Natividad Castro wrote:

> Hi to all,
> how do I move through a recordset? For example, if I have 4 records 
> and I
> want to display one at a time and let the user to click a MoveNext 
> button to
> go to the next record or a Previous button to go to the Previous record.
> Thanks in advanced
> Nato
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Terry Romine
Web Developer

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