Why don't you try this instead:

while(list($id, $2d, $3d, $web, $prog, $tut, 
    do whatever......

the list construct only works with numerical arrays and it might not like 
the $section array (doesn't it get stored as number indicies AND column 
names? That might generate that error).

But if you need that section array later, we can try a different approach..


At 07:15 AM 5/28/2002 -0600, Jas wrote:
>Hello all,
>     I have an error and I will be darned if I know why.  Here is the code:
>require '/path/to/database/connection/class/db.php';
>$table = "portfolio";
>$portfolio = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table",$dbh);
>while ($sections = mysql_fetch_array($portfolio)) {
>  list($id, $2d, $3d, $web, $prog, $tut, $proj) = $sections; // I think the
>error is on this line.
>Then I just echo the contents of the database array like so.
><?php echo $2d; ?> // this is line 69
>And this is the error I am recieving:
>Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_VARIABLE' or `'$'' in
>/localhost/portfolio.php on line 169
>Any help would be great!!
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Edmund Gorski
Programmer / Analyst
WWW Coordinator Dept. @ District Office

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