You can connect to remote servers - but i'm guesssing
that this will be a much more difficult route.
Especially with customers that will be on shared
servers (unless you licensed to the hosting

read the manual for mysql_coonect
mysql_connect (server, username, password)


--- René_Fournier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a question to which I'm pretty sure the
> answer will be "no", but 
> I would like to hope I'm wrong...
> I've developed a very simple Content Management
> tool--called 
> "Europa"--that even retarded monkeys can use to
> change/update text in 
> their web site. It's web-based, user-authenticated
> (sessions), and runs 
> with PHP4 and MySQL.
> Now, Europa is pretty much plug and play, so long as
> the web site is 
> getting its text from a MySQL database. There's a
> web agency in town 
> that is interested in Europa for their clients.
> Their clients want to be 
> able to easily and quickly update certain elements
> of their site without 
> begging some outside webmaster. They would really
> benefit from Europa.
> Problem: I don't want to "sell" Europa, or even
> install it on someone's 
> web server for a one-time fee. I've spent a long
> time on this little 
> tool, and want to continue to improve it. So, I
> would rather license it 
> to companies. They pay a quarterly subscription fee,
> and get to use 
> Europa as it continues to grow and improve.  I'm
> just a little worried 
> about one thing: If I install Europa on their
> server, and they pay their 
> paltry quarterly subscription fee, and then decide
> they don't need any 
> updates, I'm screwed. The value of Europa is much
> greater than what I 
> want to sell subscriptions to it for (not much--I'm
> not really greedy), 
> but I need some kind of control.
> The idea: In order for Joe User to update text on
> his web site, he comes 
> to my "Europa" web site, enters his company name,
> user ID, password, and 
> clicks Login, and--voilà--he sees a handsome list of
> tables containing 
> the text content of his site--which is pulled from a
> MySQL database 
> residing on HIS web site's web host.
> And this is the trick: Can PHP somehow fetch MySQL
> data over the 
> Internet? Is this possible? If so, is it necessary
> for me to resort to 
> new, unknown technologies like XML or SOAP, or can I
> do it with PHP 
> alone?
> Thanks for your comments.
> ...Rene
> ---
> René Fournier,
> Toll-free +1.888.886.2754
> Tel +1.403.291.3601
> Fax +1.403.250.5228
> SmartSlitters International
> #33, 1339 - 40th Ave NE
> Calgary AB  T2E 8N6
> Canada
> --
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