I'm getting some massive errors on some pretty simple code.  Included
are the errors as well as the PHP function that is giving me issues.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  And the weirdest thing, is that
the code used to work.... ??

Line 267 is equal to this PHP line:
        $RSM = mysql_fetch_array($resultm);


Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 267

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 269

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 287

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 289

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 295

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 297 less than one inside
of nothing found.
Warning: Undefined index: format in
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 327

Warning: Undefined index: bannerID in
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 333

Warning: Undefined index: bannerID in
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 333

Warning: Undefined index: width in D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3
on line 333

Warning: Undefined index: height in
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 333

Warning: Undefined index: alt in D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3
on line 333


function view_order($keywords, $id)
    global $phpAds_db, $phpAds_hostname, $phpAds_mysqluser,
$phpAds_mysqlpassword, $REMOTE_HOST, $USER, $phpAds_tbl_banners;

        if(!isset($USER[$id]["cbannerID"])) $USER[$id]["cbannerID"] =

        $text = explode("/", $keywords);
        $keywords = "";
        $x = 0;
        foreach($text as $line)
                if( $x == 0 )
                        $keywords = "(keyword LIKE '%" . $line . "%'";
                        $keywords = $keywords . " OR keyword LIKE '%" .
$line . "%'";
        $keywords .= ")";
or die("Unable to connect to database");
        @mysql_select_db("$phpAds_db") or die("Unable to select database
        if($USER[$id]["cbannerID"] == -1)
                $sqlm = "SELECT MIN(bannerID), MAX(bannerID) FROM
banners WHERE active='true';";
                $resultm = mysql_query($sqlm);
                $RSM = mysql_fetch_array($resultm);

                if( mysql_num_rows($resultm) < 1 )
                        $num1 = rand(1, 100);
                        $num1 = rand($RSM[0], $RSM[1]);
                $sql = "SELECT
bannerID,banner,format,width,height,alt,url FROM $phpAds_tbl_banners
WHERE active = 'true' AND $keywords AND bannerID >= $num1 ORDER BY
bannerID LIMIT 0,1;";
                $sql = "SELECT
bannerID,banner,format,width,height,alt,url FROM $phpAds_tbl_banners
WHERE active = 'true' AND $keywords AND bannerID > " .
$USER[$id]["cbannerID"] . " ORDER BY bannerID LIMIT 0,1;";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        $RS = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        if( mysql_num_rows($result) < 1 )
                $sql2 = "SELECT
bannerID,banner,format,width,height,alt,url FROM $phpAds_tbl_banners
WHERE active = 'true' AND $keywords ORDER BY bannerID LIMIT 0,1;";

                $result2 = mysql_query($sql2);
                $RS2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);

                if( mysql_num_rows($result2) < 1 )
                        echo "less than one inside of nothing found.";
                        $USER[$id]["bannerID"] = $RS2["bannerID"];
                        $USER[$id]["banner"] = $RS2["banner"];
                        $USER[$id]["format"] = $RS2["format"];
                        $USER[$id]["width"] = $RS2["width"];
                        $USER[$id]["height"] = $RS2["height"];
                        $USER[$id]["alt"] = $RS2["alt"];
                        $USER[$id]["url"] = $RS2["url"];
                        $USER[$id]["cbannerID"] = $RS2["bannerID"];
                $USER[$id]["bannerID"] = $RS["bannerID"];
                $USER[$id]["banner"] = $RS["banner"];
                $USER[$id]["format"] = $RS["format"];
                $USER[$id]["width"] = $RS["width"];
                $USER[$id]["height"] = $RS["height"];
                $USER[$id]["alt"] = $RS["alt"];
                $USER[$id]["url"] = $RS["url"];
                $USER[$id]["cbannerID"] = $RS["bannerID"];
        if($USER[$id]["format"] == "html")
                echo "<center><a
href=\"$GLOBALS[phpAds_url_prefix]/click.php3?bannerID=" .
$USER[$id]["bannerID"] . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $USER[$id]["banner"]
. "</a></center>";
                echo "<a
href=\"$GLOBALS[phpAds_url_prefix]/click.php3?bannerID=" .
$USER[$id]["bannerID"] . "\" target=\"_blank\"><img
src=\"$GLOBALS[phpAds_url_prefix]/viewbanner.php3?bannerID=" .
$USER[$id]["bannerID"] . "\" width=" . $USER[$id]["width"] . " height="
. $USER[$id]["height"] . " alt=\"" . $USER[$id]["alt"] . "\"
function view_order($keywords, $id)
    global $phpAds_db, $phpAds_hostname, $phpAds_mysqluser, $phpAds_mysqlpassword, 
$REMOTE_HOST, $USER, $phpAds_tbl_banners;

        if(!isset($USER[$id]["cbannerID"])) $USER[$id]["cbannerID"] = -1;

        $text = explode("/", $keywords);
        $keywords = "";
        $x = 0;
        foreach($text as $line)
                if( $x == 0 )
                        $keywords = "(keyword LIKE '%" . $line . "%'";
                        $keywords = $keywords . " OR keyword LIKE '%" . $line . "%'";
        $keywords .= ")";
        mysql_connect($phpAds_hostname,$phpAds_mysqluser,$phpAds_mysqlpassword) or 
die("Unable to connect to database");
        @mysql_select_db("$phpAds_db") or die("Unable to select database $phpAds_db");
        if($USER[$id]["cbannerID"] == -1)
                $sqlm = "SELECT MIN(bannerID), MAX(bannerID) FROM banners WHERE 
                $resultm = mysql_query($sqlm);
                $RSM = mysql_fetch_array($resultm);

                if( mysql_num_rows($resultm) < 1 )
                        $num1 = rand(1, 100);
                        $num1 = rand($RSM[0], $RSM[1]);
                $sql = "SELECT bannerID,banner,format,width,height,alt,url FROM 
$phpAds_tbl_banners WHERE active = 'true' AND $keywords AND bannerID >= $num1 ORDER BY 
bannerID LIMIT 0,1;";
                $sql = "SELECT bannerID,banner,format,width,height,alt,url FROM 
$phpAds_tbl_banners WHERE active = 'true' AND $keywords AND bannerID > " . 
$USER[$id]["cbannerID"] . " ORDER BY bannerID LIMIT 0,1;";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        $RS = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        if( mysql_num_rows($result) < 1 )
                $sql2 = "SELECT bannerID,banner,format,width,height,alt,url FROM 
$phpAds_tbl_banners WHERE active = 'true' AND $keywords ORDER BY bannerID LIMIT 0,1;";

                $result2 = mysql_query($sql2);
                $RS2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);

                if( mysql_num_rows($result2) < 1 )
                        echo "less than one inside of nothing found.";
                        $USER[$id]["bannerID"] = $RS2["bannerID"];
                        $USER[$id]["banner"] = $RS2["banner"];
                        $USER[$id]["format"] = $RS2["format"];
                        $USER[$id]["width"] = $RS2["width"];
                        $USER[$id]["height"] = $RS2["height"];
                        $USER[$id]["alt"] = $RS2["alt"];
                        $USER[$id]["url"] = $RS2["url"];
                        $USER[$id]["cbannerID"] = $RS2["bannerID"];
                $USER[$id]["bannerID"] = $RS["bannerID"];
                $USER[$id]["banner"] = $RS["banner"];
                $USER[$id]["format"] = $RS["format"];
                $USER[$id]["width"] = $RS["width"];
                $USER[$id]["height"] = $RS["height"];
                $USER[$id]["alt"] = $RS["alt"];
                $USER[$id]["url"] = $RS["url"];
                $USER[$id]["cbannerID"] = $RS["bannerID"];
        if($USER[$id]["format"] == "html")
                echo "<center><a 
href=\"$GLOBALS[phpAds_url_prefix]/click.php3?bannerID=" . $USER[$id]["bannerID"] . 
"\" target=\"_blank\">" . $USER[$id]["banner"] . "</a></center>";
                echo "<a href=\"$GLOBALS[phpAds_url_prefix]/click.php3?bannerID=" . 
$USER[$id]["bannerID"] . "\" target=\"_blank\"><img 
src=\"$GLOBALS[phpAds_url_prefix]/viewbanner.php3?bannerID=" . $USER[$id]["bannerID"] 
. "\" width=" . $USER[$id]["width"] . " height=" . $USER[$id]["height"] . " alt=\"" . 
$USER[$id]["alt"] . "\" border=0></a>";
Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in 
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 267

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in 
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 269

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in 
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 287

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in 
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 289

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in 
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 295

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in 
D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 297
less than one inside of nothing found.
Warning: Undefined index: format in D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 327

Warning: Undefined index: bannerID in D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 333

Warning: Undefined index: bannerID in D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 333

Warning: Undefined index: width in D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 333

Warning: Undefined index: height in D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 333

Warning: Undefined index: alt in D:\Gunks\NewSite\phpAds\view.inc.php3 on line 333
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