The blank table column comes from a blank MySQL database field...(I was
initially going to blob images from there to show status change). If you
know of a way to eliminate the database field and still show the status
of the values in a web table, please point me in the right direction. I
am one of those people who have to look up everything for JavaScript.
(My main scripting beast was/is ASP...this PHP is a new project for a
company on a Solaris platform!)

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony S. Wu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Changing colors in table?

I don't see where you put your blank table column.
I am guessing it might be somewhere within this for loop:

for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++) {
        echo("<center><h3> $arr_tablenames[$i] </h3></center>");
        echo('<table align="center" border="1"><tr>');
        $result = mysql_db_query($dbname, "select * from
$arr_tablenames[$i]", $id_link);
        for ($ii=0; $ii < $arr_num_fields[$i]; $ii++) {
            echo $hash_field_names[$i][$ii];
        $number_of_rows = @mysql_num_rows($result);
        for ($iii = 0; $iii < $number_of_rows; $iii++) {
            $record = @mysql_fetch_row($result);
            for ($ii=0; $ii < $arr_num_fields[$i]; $ii++) {
                echo $record[$ii];

If that's the case, all you need to do is, let's pretend $table_value
the table value you need to determine the background color:

echo "<td";

if ($table_value < 5)
    echo " bgcolor = \"#999999\"";  // whatever color you want
else if ($table_value >= 5 && $table_value < 10)
    echo " bgcolor = \"#888888\"";  // another color
else    // if no value matched
    echo ">";   // close <td> tag

Tony S. Wu

"Nope, this world ain't perfect. But at least I know it's not because of

Blue Tiger at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Can I force it to display the data sorted by the primary key?
> Here's the code: 
>   // store table names in an array
>   $arr_tablenames[] = '';
>   // store number of fields per table(index 0,1,2..) in an array
>   $arr_num_fields[] = '';
>   for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++) {
>       $arr_tablenames[$i] = mysql_tablename($tables, $i);
>       $arr_num_fields[$i] = mysql_num_fields(mysql_db_query($dbname,
> "select * from $arr_tablenames[$i]", $id_link));
>   } 
>   // store field names in a multidimensional array:
>   // [i] == table number, [ii] == field number for that table
>   for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++) {
>       for ($ii=0; $ii < $arr_num_fields[$i]; $ii++) {
>           $result = mysql_db_query($dbname, "select * from
> $arr_tablenames[$i]", $id_link);
>           $hash_field_names[$i][$ii] = mysql_field_name($result, $ii);
>       }     
>   } 
>   for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++) {
>       echo("<center><h3> $arr_tablenames[$i] </h3></center>");
>       echo('<table align="center" border="1"><tr>');
>       $result = mysql_db_query($dbname, "select * from
> $arr_tablenames[$i]", $id_link);
>       for ($ii=0; $ii < $arr_num_fields[$i]; $ii++) {
>           echo("<th>");
>           echo $hash_field_names[$i][$ii];
>           echo("</th>");
>       } 
>       echo("</tr><tr>");
>       $number_of_rows = @mysql_num_rows($result);
>       for ($iii = 0; $iii < $number_of_rows; $iii++) {
>           $record = @mysql_fetch_row($result);
>           for ($ii=0; $ii < $arr_num_fields[$i]; $ii++) {
>               echo("<td>");
>               echo $record[$ii];
>               echo("</td>");
>           } 
>       echo("</tr>");
>       } 
>       echo("</table>");
>   }
> Is that too much to sort through???
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony S. Wu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 7:31 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Changing colors in table?
> If the table's background color will be set when the page is first
> loaded,
> you can just use the bgcolor attribute of <td> tag.
> If you want to dynamically change the background color, you'll need to
> combine your page with javascript.
> Tony S. Wu
> "Nope, this world ain't perfect. But at least I know it's not because
> me."
> Blue Tiger at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Okay.....
>> Disclaimer: I am very much the newbie, so please bear with me.
>> I have a piece of code that displays an array from a MySQL table. One
>> field in the table is blank (and is displayed as an empty column of
>> cells) at the moment. I want to have the blank cells display an
>> value, or change its background color based on whether the numerical
>> values in the previous 4 fields meet certain criteria or not. Make
>> sense? Maybe?
>> An example of what I want to show:
>> If table 2 has a value that is less than 5, then the last cell
> displayed
>> changes color to reflect that.
>> If table 2 has a value that is between 5 and 10, then the last cell
>> displayed changes color to reflect that as well.
>> Please help if you can....many thanks in advance. (I can show my code
>> thus far as well if that helps..)
>> Thanks, 
>> Ryan

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