Hello List for the first time,
I am very new to php but impressed from what i've seen so far. I managed to 
configure php w/ mysql and db2 do some selects, inserts ... 
What I am inerested in is what are all those mod_php* and php_* on the 
distribution's CDs e.g. if they are installed how do i get support for 
which i thought i have installed the module( like rpm -i  
php-oracle-4.2.2-1j1.i686.rpm means that i can somehow get oracle support 
without recompiling php ??? or no). 
Another thing that bothers me is should I (can I) use for example Oracle's 
apache or install "regular" apache and work with it.
Is Apache-PHP-Linux on one machine and OracleDB-Win/Lin on another machine 
big trouble or peace of cake (It asks me for oci8 lib which I don't know 
where to get if I don't want to install any oracle products on the web 
server (can i get them from php-oci8...rpm for example)
DSO e.g. oracle.so is a shared object but where to include it for the 
support and is it enough)
Thank you all and looking forward to hearing from you 

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