I think it's because you're incrementing $a BEFORE you echo it out. That
would cause your echo statement to start at the second item [1].

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 3:36 PM
> To: '1LT John W. Holmes'; 'Ryan Jameson (USA)'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] HTML Forms question...
>       OK.  This has been most helpful, but now I am getting something
> strange.  The first element of the array of data is behaving 
> strangely.  For
> the code snippet below I am not getting the first selected element
> displayed:
> <?php
> ... Some stuff snipped...
> $a = 0;
> ?>
> <?php
>   while (isset($_POST['system'][$a])) { 
>     $a++;
>       echo $_POST['system'][$a];
>   }
> ?>
>       The second, third, and so forth selections all print, 
> just not the
> first one.  Also, I can test the contents of the first 
> element by placing an
> echo before the while loop.  Thanks in advance.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 1LT John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 11:11 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] HTML Forms question...
> > OK.  If I am using the POST method and the checkbox 'name' for all
> > of the checkboxes is 'system', how do I access the results?  I am
> > researching on the PHP site trying to figure out what this 
> array is, and
> how
> > I access this if the index name is the same for all 
> elements.  I am hoping
> > that this data will be in an array and I can simply loop through the
> > contents of the array.  If this data is stored in a hash 
> (Perl word for
> this
> > type of array, not sure if it's the same in PHP), how do I 
> access this
> data
> > since the index for every element would be the same?
> > I am SURE that I am probably missing some important conceptual
> > issues here, but still learning as I go.  Unfortunately, 
> this probably
> means
> > that I will be completely rewriting this application at 
> least once in the
> > future.  Oh well, live and learn.  Thanks again for the help.
> If you have multiple checkboxes with the same 'name' then you 
> should name
> then with brackets, [], such as 'system[]'. This will tell 
> PHP to make the
> results an array when the form is submitted.
> For any of the 'submit[]' checkboxes that are checked, they 
> will be present
> in PHP array on the processing page. Those unchecked will not 
> be present.
> Say you have the following.
> <input type="checkbox" name="submit[]" value="1">One
> <input type="checkbox" name="submit[]" value="2">Two
> <input type="checkbox" name="submit[]" value="3">Three
> If the method on your form is POST, and the user checks One 
> and Three, then
> you'll have the following values in PHP on the ACTION page of 
> the FORM.
> $_POST['submit'][0] ==> 1
> $_POST['submit'][1] ==> 3
> From that data, though, there's no way to tell that checkbox 
> "Two" was not
> checked, unless you go through and check all of the values. 
> That's fine for
> small forms, but a hassle for large ones.
> You could also name your checkboxes like this:
> <input type="checkbox" name="submit[1]" value="1">One
> <input type="checkbox" name="submit[2]" value="2">Two
> <input type="checkbox" name="submit[3]" value="3">Three
> and if the user checks one and three again, you'll get
> $_POST['submit'][1] ==> 1
> $_POST['submit'][3] ==> 3
> Hopefully that clears some things up. If you have any other 
> questions, just
> ask.
> ---John Holmes...
> -- 
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