Hi I realy need help hier
I have a aaray of months
$lang['months'] = array
( 1 => "Januari", 2 => "Februari", 3 => "Maart", 4 => "April", 5 => "Mei",
6 => "Juni", 7 => "Juli", 8 => "Augustus", 9 => "September", 10 =>
11 => "November", 12 => "December"
and a function
function showMonths2($montharray)

$maand = sprintf("%d", date("m"));
$jaar = date("Y");

for ($inx=$maand; $inx<=12; $inx++)
echo "<a
</a>&nbsp; ";

for ($inx=0; $inx<$maand; $inx++)
echo "<a

The result is starts from Februari Maart .. .. December and then Januari
2005 the problem is when I click Januari 2005 I want to show months from
Januari 2005 till December 2005 and so on

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