select, b.category_id cat, category, e.category_id jcncat, b.typecattype
from tblCompany a, tblCategory b,jcnCategoryCompany e
where ((e.company_id = a.company_id and b.category_id = e.category_id and b.type <> 'NONE')
        or b.type = 'NONE') and a.company_id <> 1
group by a.company_id;
Can anyone see what is wrong with that?
We are trying to pull data for a search in our php program but we get odd results.
mysql> select, b.category_id cat, category, e.category_id
jcncat, b.type cattype from tblCompany a, tblCategory b,
jcnCategoryCompany e where ((e.company_id = a.company_id and
b.category_id = e.category_id and b.type <> 'NONE') or b.type = 'NONE')
and a.company_id <> 1 group by a.company_id;
| name               | cat | category | jcncat | cattype |
| A Typical Business |   1 |          |      3 | NONE    |
| A supplier         |   1 |          |      3 | NONE    |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

However, look at the following table:

mysql> select * from jcnCategoryCompany;
| category_type | category_id | company_id |
| COMPANY       |           1 |          2 |
| COMPANY       |           3 |       3456 |

And tblCategory:

mysql> select * from tblCategory;
| type       | category_id | name            |
| NONE       |           1 |                 |
| CAMPAIGN   |           1 | Campaign Cat 1  |
| CAMPAIGN   |           2 | Campaign Cat 2  |
| CASE       |           1 | Case Category 1 |
| CASE       |           2 | Case Category 2 |
| OPP        |           1 | Opp Category 1  |
| OPP        |           2 | Opp Category 2  |
| COMPANY    |           1 | Company Cat 1   |
| COMPANY    |           2 | Company Cat 2   |
| C_INDUSTRY |           1 | Company Ind 1   |
| C_INDUSTRY |           2 | Company Ind 2   |
| CONTACT    |           1 | Contact Cat 1   |
| CONTACT    |           2 | Contact Cat 2   |
| COMPANY    |           3 | Supplier        |

And abbreviated tblCompany:

mysql> select company_id, name from tblCompany;
| company_id | name               |
|          1 |                    |
|          2 | A Typical Business |
|       3456 | A supplier         |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The strange behaviour seems to stem from the query ALWAYS selecting the
"b.type = 'NONE'" case! At the very least, b.category_id should equal
e.category_id in the output though it's not! I don't see
anything logically wrong with the query. Do you see anything?

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