Right, todays fun dilema... ;-)
I've a user capture system set up for downloads on our site.
Each time a user downloads a file, their info is captured (so we'll have 
multiple entries for each email address).
Also in the table, is a field to state if the result has been viewed by my 
boss. (Just a 1/0 value)

So, what my boss wants me to do now, is to show her, the total No of 
people captured, and how many she's viewed.
Using the 'email' field, from the table, I've done a distinct() sort in 
MySQL to ensure that I have a list of emails(users) and no duplicates.
My prob is this:
I want to take each email, and see if at any point, there's a '1' in the 
viewed field.
if there is, I want to add one to the total of $row1
So I can output the num_rows from the distinct request, and then show the 
total of $row1...
So I'll have total No of users, and total No of viewed... as I've 
mentioned above.
What am I doing wrong?

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(email) FROM $table";
$result = mysql_query($sql,$connection)
        or die("Couldn't execute query 0.");

$row1 = 0;

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

$sql1 = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE viewed = '1' AND email = 
$result1 = mysql_query($sql1,$connection)
        or die("Couldn't execute query 1.");
        if (mysql_num_rows($result1) >= 1) {
<?=$row1 ?>

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