I found part of the answer......

when doing a search in vim you can hit ctrl-m as long as you hit ctrl-v first.  
ctrl-v tells vim to treat the following as a character, not to do the action 
i.e... carriage return.

Now I need just one more piece, if anyone has the answer:

ctrl-m is a carriage return.  Does anyone know what ctrl seqence is line feed?


On Thursday 19 August 2004 09:49 am, Michael Cortes wrote:
> That didn't work.  Here's why.  This is not a dos file.  It is a unix file
> but when dumping the data from my db, some fields had a trailing CR and LF.
>  So what I ended up with was a ^M showing in the middle of a line when I
> open the file in vim.  And... the lines will also end where they shouldn't.
>  What is supposed to be one line, then continues on the next.
> While dos2unix did strip out the ^m, it left the LF (is it return or
> linefeed in unix) at the end of the line, starting a new one.
> I need to actually do a search on ^M followed by LF and replace it with
> nothing so I get my full line back.  But I don't know how to enter in LF or
> CR in a vim search string.
> Hope this clarifies.....


Michael Cortes
Fort LeBoeuf School District
34 East Ninth Street
PO Box 810
Waterford PA 16441-0810

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