I may have spoken too soon.  Having one minor problem
with getting an array (from a multiple select) to
print out.  Anyone see anything wrong here :

Here is registering session array:

if ( empty( $_SESSION['l_industry'] ) ) {

if ( is_array( $_REQUEST['LurkerIndustry'] ) ) {
$_SESSION['l_industry'] = array_unique(
array_merge( $_SESSION['l_industry'],
 $_REQUEST['LurkerIndustry'] )
Here is my call: 

echo $l_industry['0']."<br />"; 
echo $l_industry['1']."<br />"; 
echo $l_industry['2']."<br />"; 
echo $l_industry['3']."<br />"; 
echo $l_industry['4']."<br />"; 
echo $l_industry['5']."<br />"; 

Thank you,

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