For a project in college that I had once did using ColdFusion and
MSAccess (please dont kill me :)) I had the simular situation....

What I did was when the First Drop Down was changed... it had an
onChange action or something of that nature (do not have my exact code
infront of me) that went to a JS function which sent the value to
another frame (window) you can use a hidden 1x1 iframe to conduct
this... it then returned the values to the other page via JS,,,, I
have to Dig for the code which unfortinately is buried at the

On Tue, 5 Oct 2004 08:22:22 -0700, Ed Lazor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > This may be a more javascript related topic, but it's also php/mysql.
> > Apologies in advance if this is too far off topic.
> >
> > I'm trying to pull data from MySQL using PHP to sort the results into a
> > form with a pull down menu. That works fine; I can do that.
> >
> > But I have a second pull down menu whose items need to display based on
> > the item chosen from the first pull down menu.
> >
> > I can do two lists seperately, but I need the second pull down menu to be
> > a result of the first, and I can't figure a way to do it in PHP without
> > reloading the page, which I don't really want to do.
> >
> > Is this a javascript-dependent function, in that a js will have to make
> > the call to the database via some sort of scripted php/mysql request? I
> > really like to avoid javascript if possible, but I'm unsure there's an
> > alternative.
> You're describing what I think is called "Dynamic Options".  Doing a Google
> for "javascript dynamic option" or "javascript dynamic select" will pull-up
> a few examples.
> Most of these solutions will expect you to load all data into javascript
> arrays.  In other words, you don't have to reload the page, because all of
> the data is already present.
> This approach doesn't work well when dealing with large amounts of data.  If
> you're running into this, use javascript's window.opener feature.  It allows
> you to spawn a second window that retrieves data and sends it to the first
> window.
> -Ed
> --
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