Hi Gerard,

> I believe he is talking about ->
> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/SQLPS.html
> But IMHO, I think emulating via php would be faster, as that is
> alot of talking to a database to get the job done, especially if the
> database is on a remote host.

Ahh, ok.  Yes, this is interesting, but certainly not ideal from a uniform
API perspective.  I will stick w/ emulation in PHP.

> Granted, he is correct.  We have no right to say that is sucks.
> Me personally, I do not know at whom to point a finger to blame (maybe
> the mysql C API), but it is what it is unfortunately.
> We just have to make the best of it...

Yes, you're right.  Saying the API sucks was certainly an exaggeration. 
It is a disappointment, but no one sucks.  Georg did an awesome job
bringing this to PHP5. I'll stop complaining & just stick w/ classic mysql
API ;)


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