(BI need your help about PHP (ver 4.3.1) and MySQL (ver 3.23) database.
(BI am struggling to customise a database (using left command etc), and am
(Bstuck now.
(BPlease have a brief look at my scripts below.
(BWhat I do like to do is to get first 3 letters from "loc1" column from
(Bopenart_table (MySQL).
(BAnd show the data in the follwoing part...
(B  <td><? echo $row["loc1"]; ?><br></td>
(Bbut also I would like to make hyperlinks to jpg files to images/"the first 3
(Bletters from loc1".jpg
(BSo it will be something like this...
(B  <td>
(B  <a href="/image/<? echo $row["loc1"]; ?>.jpg"><? echo $row["loc1"];
(B  </td>
(BBut when I tried, "select left (loc1,3) from openart_table where......"
(Bdoesnt work properly.
(BI do not want to destroy anything for the rest of the table.
(BI need all data from "tit1", "pub1", "id1", and "ref1" in each column.
(BCould you help me, please?
(B---------------------------------------------PHP script from here
(B<table border="1" bordercolor="black" cellspacing="0" align="center"
(BBGCOLOR="#CCFFFF" width="900">
(B<tr bgcolor="#ffcc66">
(B<td align="center"><b>ID No</b><br></td>
(B<td align="center" BGCOLOR="#CC3366"><b>Book Title</b><br></td>
(B<td align="center"><b>Publisher</b><br></td>
(B<td align="center"><b>ID</b><br></td>
(B<td align="center"><b>Reference</b><br></td>
(B<td align="center" width="10%"><b>Location</b><br></td>
(Bif($tit == "" &&
(B   $res == "" &&
(B   $pub == "" &&
(B   $date == "" &&
(B   $id == "" &&
(B   $ref == "" &&
(B   $loc == "" &&
(B   $type == "" &&
(B   $vol == "" &&
(B   $fre == "" &&
(B   $note == "")
(B echo 'Type something';
(Belseif($tit == "%" || $res == "%" || $pub == "%" || $date == "%" || $id ==
(B"%" ||
(B       $ref == "%" || $loc == "%" || $type == "%" || $vol == "%" || $fre ==
(B"%" || $note == "%"){
(B echo 'Not Valid';
(B if($tit == ""){
(B    $tit = '%';
(B }
(B if($res == ""){
(B    $res = '%';
(B }
(B if($pub == ""){
(B    $pub = '%';
(B }
(B if($date == ""){
(B   $date = '%';
(B }
(B if($id == ""){
(B   $id = '%';
(B }
(B if($ref == ""){
(B    $ref = '%';
(B }
(B if($loc == ""){
(B    $loc = '%';
(B }
(B if($type == ""){
(B    $type = '%';
(B }
(B if($vol == ""){
(B    $vol = '%';
(B }
(B if($fre == ""){
(B    $fre = '%';
(B }
(B if($note == ""){
(B    $note = '%';
(B }
(B$result = mysql_query("select * from openart_table
(B where tit1   like '%$tit%'
(B   and res1   like '%$res%'
(B   and pub1  like '%$pub%'
(B   and date1  like '%$date%'
(B   and id1   like '%$id%'
(B   and ref1  like '%$ref%'
(B   and loc1  like '%$loc%'
(B   and type1   like '%$type%'
(B   and vol1  like '%$vol%'
(B   and fre1  like '%$fre%'
(B   and note1   like '%$note%' order by tit1");
(B$rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
(B echo $rows,"Records Found <p>";
(B while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
(B  ?>
(B  <tr>
(B  <td><a href = "openart_detail.php ?iden=<? echo $row["openart_id"] ?>"><?
(Becho $row["openart_id"]; ?></a><br></td>
(B  <td><? echo $row["tit1"]; ?><br></td>
(B  <td><? echo $row["pub1"]; ?><br></td>
(B  <td><? echo $row["id1"]; ?><br></td>
(B  <td><? echo $row["ref1"]; ?><br></td>
(B  <td><? echo $row["loc1"]; ?><br></td>
(B  </tr>
(B  <?
(B   }
(B----------------------------------------------------end of script
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