At 21:04 08/06/2005 +0000, you wrote:
To: <>
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Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 16:04:33 -0500
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Subject: Creating an Associative Array

This question will probably be off-topic for some, but it does relate to a
database application so please bear with me.

I'm pulling date-times out of a MySQL db:

mysql> select date_format(`date_time`, '%Y.%m.%d %H:%i:%s') as rightNow
from location1 order by date_time desc limit 1;

| rightNow                     |
| 2005.06.08 14:24:11 |

This code snippet is producing an array of arrays rather than a simple
associative array:


$now = time();
//$dateArray = array(); (output is the same with or without this line)

for($counter = 0; $counter <= 3600; $counter++)
      $dateArray[] = array(date("Y.m.d H:i:s", $now - $counter) =>
(int)ceil(980 - ($counter * .2333333333333)));

Actually you meant to pass the $dateArray an index - as you didn't, PHP helpfully created sequential numeric indices.
Try this instead, providing the date index string yourself :

$dateArray[ date("Y.m.d H:i:s", $now - $counter) ] = array( (int)ceil(980 - ($counter * .2333333333333)));

Cheers - Neil

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