Never been to their website, comes in the CPANEL I use.  I think that maybe it 
though, why?

Bastien Koert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
horde? www.horde.org


>From: JeRRy 
>To: php-db@lists.php.net
>Subject: [PHP-DB] PHP email client Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 23:39:42 +1000 
>What I am looking for is to offer a website that people can freely signup 
>and use as a real email address. A client where they can send/recieve 
>emails just like Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail etc. Have it web based. But I 
>don't just want any email client, it must be customizable and code added to 
>it. So I am not looking to go to a www site and signup for them to brand 
>it. I want to customize it entiley which does not just include the colours 
>and format I mean customize the code itself and add to it as it won't just 
>be a email site, it will pay you to send emails etc.
>Free or price is fine. I know of a few BASIC free ones but their very 
>basic. If I can avoid allowing attachments that's fine or a section to 
>allow or disallow ataachments. But when is ay basic their damn basic. I 
>need one that you have settings, folders etc.
>Any ideas? Or anyone have the time to write such a client for me?
>I'm not really sure if the client can be or would be PHP based or datbase 
>driven. I'd hope so because I could adapt to it better and work on it but 
>if not I am willing to learn the bits.
>Time frame? Well if someone needs to write it I don't need it anytime 
>soon. I want it to be stable and what not so needs to be fine and operate 
>correctly. But if I can buy or get some code I can edit there will be alot 
>of editing but that would be fine. Any ideas people?
>email will be in the form of [EMAIL PROTECTED] not like 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] it's going to have it's own domain.
>Something like rock.com would be fine.
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