Thanks guys, I'll try all the documentation I and samples collected.
Unnawut Leepaisalsuwanna wrote:
> the part
> $page = (!is_numeric($_GET['page'])) ? '1' : round($_GET['page']);
> i believe can help prevent sql injection... i rounded the $_GET['page'] as 
> well in case someone tries to put in decimals and ruin the query
> the $perpage is the number of rows you want to display
> xkorakidis wrote:
>>it seems simple, althought I didn't yet understand what exactly takes
>>part in
>>$page = (!is_numeric($_GET['page'])) ? '1' : round($_GET['page']);
>>it seems like a c expression : if page is not numeric page=1 else round
>>How does the $perpage increase?
>>couldn't we use smth $page++ ?
>>Unnawut Leepaisalsuwanna wrote:
>>>$perpage = 10;
>>>$page = (!is_numeric($_GET['page'])) ? '1' : round($_GET['page']);
>>>$page = ($page-1) * $perpage;
>>>$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE 1 LIMIT '. $page .', '. $perpage;
>>>something like this?
>>>xkorakidis wrote:
>>>>Hi, I'm trying to find a simple example for pagination in php-mysql. I
>>>>found smth in php classes but it seems too complex (3-4 files and things
>>>>not so simple). Is there any simple way to do that?

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