  I have created a little Christmas countdown on the site using PHP and mySQL.  
The database controls the images displayed.  But to make it simplier as I know 
the problem does not reflect my db setup or talking to the db I've re-wrote the 
code into a JavaScript code.  So it's easier to read.
  The problem is the days to Christmas and images displayed display absolutely 
fine.  But when there is 0 days to Christmas the NEW YEAR image does not 
display. :(  But the countdown ones do.
  Here is the code:  *I have commented areas with //*
  <script type="text/javascript">
 function placeimg() {
  var currentDate = new Date();
  // December is month 11
  var endDate = new Date(2005, 11, 25, 23, 59, 59);
  var days = (endDate-currentDate)/1000/60/60/24;
  var daysRound = Math.floor(days);
  // Check when to put Sleeps and when to put sleep
  if (daysRound == 1) {
      var sleeps = "Sleep";
  } else {
      var sleeps = "Sleeps";
  if (daysRound<=0) {
 var alttag = "Merry Christmas!"
      document.write("<a target=\"_top\" 
 border=\"0\" src=\"/christmas05/"+daysRound+"_days.gif\" alt=\""+alttag+"\" 
height=\"/50\" width=\"/125\"></a>");
  } else {
      var alttag = ""+daysRound+" "+sleeps+" until Christmas"
      document.write("<a target=\"_top\" 
 border=\"0\" src=\"/christmas05/"+daysRound+"_days"+".gif\" alt=\""+alttag+"\" 
height=\"50\" width=\"125\"></a>");
  You can see the code working at http://www.getpaid2reademails.com/
  Ignore the PHPSESSID.
  Also it currently only records time left from your personal clock on your PC. 
 How would I go about getting the server time instead?
  But of course this would not be ideal for everyone in different countries but 
I wondered an easy way to do it.
  Thanks for your time.

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