On Wed, 2006-02-15 at 03:42 +1100, JeRRy wrote:
>   Hi,
>   Do this... 
>   1) ping your local server.  (paste us the results)
>   2) ping your IP address FOR THE SERVER (paste us the results)
>   3) If your server has a domain attached also ping this (paste us the 
> results)
>   Pointless? No... If you ping your local server with the localhost ip or 
> command everything should return virtually instantley.  If not, hello?  Your 
> more likely got a HARDWARE issue.  But if it's returned instantley we can 
> just about rule out a hardware problem.  But could be a settings issue.
>   Ping your IP address, not localhost.  Now if this is slow your net 
> connection maybe to blame, even your web host maybe denying you full access 
> and halting loadings times.  What is your net up/down speeds?
>   ping the domain, make sure the domain is reading to the server promply.  
> Using a browser is not always a good area to test loading time.  As depending 
> on other programs etc it could vary quite hugly.  Ping over 50 times than 
> average the amounts out.  Some will be instant and some may take 3 seconds, 
> average them out though to get a better idea of time frame.
>   Now as for PHP versus HTML, HTML will generally load faster than any PHP 
> code but there should be only a small amount of time difference between the 
> two, depending on code legnth and what actions are to be made.
>   I suggest you completely delete your PHP code, ..start again.
>   Something basic like ..
>   <? php // the all famous php start code
>   echo "Hello<br>Welcome to www.domain.com";
>   ?>
>   Or something to that degree.  Not thinking atm.
>   Or whip this in, for some infomration detail...
>   <? php
>   phpinfo();
>   ?>
>   Feel free to post your temp. ip address or domain here or to me and I will 
> be happy to test for you.
>   There is codes you can have that you put in some PHP and it details the 
> time the page took to load.  
>   You may need to include some variable handles in .htaccess also. Because on 
> a default installation I think the default FIRST look file is .htm file 
> rather than .php file.  So maybe it's looping to find it?  Damn it could be a 
> million things, the more detail you list the better.
>   I suggest you run phpinfo() and show us the details that is outputted or 
> create a page and give us a url. :)  We can always test speed and get back to 
> you.  It might NOT be anything to worry about, it might sort itself out. :)
>   If your using the server for other things at the same time this may slow 
> down things too.  
>   J
> Micah Stevens wrote:    >   > Not enough information there to make any sort 
> of diagnosis, but here   are  > some things to try to narrow down the 
> problem:  >   > 1) ssh into the server, and run 'top' to watch the process 
> list. Then  > while watching that, hit reload in the browser to see if the 
> HTTP   process  > pegs out while you're waiting for the page. If it does, for 
> some   reason  > apache/php is struggling. Otherwise it's likely something 
> else.  >   > 2) run 'ngrep' on port 80 of the incoming network interface 
> (eth0, or  > whatever it's hooked to), and reload the page again. Are you   
> immediatly  > seeing the request come though or does it take a while? This 
> type of   thing  > could be caused not by the webserver, but instead by a 
> badly   configured  > router, or something in the network. If it takes a 
> while to come   through,  > you need to look at your network configuration.  
> >   > 3) Is this a DNS issue? If you're accessing via a domain name, and   
> not a  > direct!
  IP type
>  URL, a shoddy DNS connection could make things really   take  > a long time. 
>    3a) If so, is hostname lookup turned on for apache logging? This may   
> result  in yet another query to the DNS. I'm not sure however whether that   
> lookup  might delay delivery of the document, or whether the document is 
> served  independently og logging actions; I would guess the latter.          
> Cheers  --   David Robley    "I'm never anywhere on time," Tom related.  

Post from ping times:
(localhost while ssh'd into the server and "ping localhost")
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.030 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.024 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.023 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.022 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.023 ms

(arping from my internal network to the server in the DMZ by IP address)
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  8.874ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.134ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.135ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.131ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.022ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.057ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.133ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.142ms

(arping from my internal network to the server in the DMZ by name)
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.404ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.141ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.155ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.137ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.150ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.139ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.137ms
Unicast reply from 10.XX.XX.XX [00:0A:F4:F9:C3:00]  1.147ms

(ping from outside network on windows pc in cli)
Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=62
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=62
Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=62
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=62

The domain is www.fpunet.com - the httpd.conf file lists the index.php
as the first index type and also it is defined that way in the virtual
server portion of the config.  I have the phpinfo page set as the
default index right now.  I noticed that "Virtual Directory Support" is
"disabled".  Could this be the source of my problem?

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