
Thanks in advance for all the help.   i appreciate it.

The script

The error from apache log
[Tue Mar 21 15:36:05 2006] [notice] child pid 19337 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

How I got here:

I had an old copy of apache and php running (apache 2.0.? and php 4.3.5)
I delete apache
I configured, made, and installed apache (2.2.0)
I configured, made, and installed php (4.4.2)

The mysql being used is the pre-compiled one from I have used it on other servers and it works fine.

I can provide an strace of the apache processing crashing if anyone is interested,


On Mar 21, 2006, at 5:46 PM, Chris wrote:

Noah Silverman wrote:
Same problem
Called from the command line it works. Called through a browser, it crashes.
php test.php - WORKS - CRASHES

What exactly is in test.php (change database details, but we need to see the test.php script) ?

Is it segfaulting (check the apache error logs) ?

Did you re-compile php after updating mysql? Maybe there's a version difference in there somewhere, it's trying to load an older module.

Does a phpinfo page show correct database version details?

Please CC the list, others may have ideas I don't about what's going on.

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