Hi there everyone,
I have a little problem, I could do this with 2 seperate queries but if I
can do it with 1 then even better ;-)
I have to list items in numeric order IF the field isn't empty (ie: 0 comes
at the top, followed by 1 etc ....) and that isn't an issue as PHP with
MySQL makes that very easy - BUT here's the problem i'm having.  Once it's
gone through the list, any items that do NOT have a number value are tacked
on to the end in no particular order, is it possible that those items that
do NOT have any value in the numeric field can be listed in alphabetical
order instead?  So if they have 0 upwards they displays from the top, then
the ones that do not have ANYTHING in that field would display after but
alphabetically instead?
I'm kind of lost on how to do this with a single query.
Thanks everyone

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