query1 = SELECT * FROM egw_addressbook

query2 = SELECT contact_id, contact_value FROM egw_addressbook_extra WHERE
query3 = SELECT contact_id, contact_value FROM egw_addressbook_extra WHERE
query4 = SELECT contact_id, contact_value FROM egw_addressbook_extra WHERE
query5 = SELECT contact_id, contact_value FROM egw_addressbook_extra WHERE

Then some type of array merge....

array1 = query1 + query2 + query3 + query4 + query5

query2 to query5 needs locked to query1 with:   WHERE


----- Original Message -----
To: <php-db@lists.php.net>
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] 2 queries --> 1 array

> Not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, Matt, but I think it
> <?php
> $query = "SELECT t1.NAME, t1.BUSINESS, t1.ADDRESS, t1.CITY, t1.PHONE,
t2.CONTACT_NAME, t2.CONTACT_VALUE FROM Table1 as t1, Table2 as t2 WHERE
t1.ID = t2.CONTACT_ID"
> $result = mysql_query($query);
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
>   // to make it easier to read, I'll assign the values to variables for
this demonstration
>   $name = $row['NAME'];
>   $business = $row['BUSINESS'];
>   $address = $row['ADDRESS'];
>   $city = $row['CITY'];
>   $phone = $row['PHONE'];
>   $contactname = $row['CONTACT_NAME'];
>   $contactvalue = $row['CONTACT_VALUE'];
>   $bigarray[$name][$contactname] = $contactvalue;
> }
> $JoeBrownPrevsys = $bigarray['Joe Brown']['Prevsys'];
> ?>
> If that's not right, please re-describe the problem and let's see what we
can figure out.
> If you have questions about what/how/why/etc...  feel free to ask.
> -TG
> = = = Original message = = =
> Hello,
> I need to query two different tables and create one "BIG" array.
> I can query both tables, but can't find a way to combine the results in
one array.
> The problem comes in with the second table.  It has a weird layout.
> The second table only has four fields. They are:  contact_id,
contact_owner, contact_name, and contact_value
>   a.. The 'contact_id' needs to be linked to 'id' field from the first
>   b.. The contact_name is a field I need to use to reference what i'm
looking for.
>                     example... contact_name HAS values of RANO, PrevSys,
Supplier, Dynamic
>                     each of them has the same contact_id different
contact_names with different contact_values
> To query the second table I do something like this:
> SELECT contact_value FROM egw_addressbook_extra WHERE
contact_name='Supplier' and contact_id=' XXX'
> The xxx is the ID from the first table.
> -----------------------------------------
> Table 1:
> ID                    NAME                    BUSINESS
ADDRESS                CITY                         PHONE
> 1                  John Smith                Smith's Phone Co.         100
Main St              Someplace               555-5555
> 2                  Joe Brown                 Brown's Shoe Store        105
Grant St.            This City                  555-0001
> Table 2:
> CONTACT_ID                                CONTACT_NAME
CONTACT_VALUE                                CONTACT_OWNER
>       1                                                 PrevSys
NONE                                                            4
>       1                                                 RANO
100102                                                           4
>       1                                                 Supplier
TrueValue                                                       4
>       1                                                 Dynamic                                                     4
>       2                                                 PrevSys
OLD POS SYS                                                 4
>       2                                                 RANO
100105                                                             4
>       2                                                 Supplier
Orgill                                                                4
>       2                                                 Dynamic                                                   4
> I want to query both  tables and create a array.  The extra fields from
table two need to have their own field in the array.
> I need to call those extra fields in the array by the contact_name
> example....   $myrow[supplier] $myrow[PrepSys] $myrow[name]
> I have tried alot of stuff to get this done, but i think i was very off
> Some help/guide is needed.... I'm new!!!!
> Thanks...
> Matt
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