Someone from this list (sorry I cannot remember the name), a while back, gave 
me the following function to use to get rid of unwanted characters coming in on 

function convert_smart_quotes($string) 
     $search = array(chr(145),
      $replace = array("'",
      return str_replace($search, $replace, $string); }

This has been working pretty good, however every once in a while something 
won't go through, such as the following text recently (between the dashed 
lines). It sent a confirmation email with no order number and did not make a 
record in the database:

        Attn Jean Spence

Order to remove 644-8502, add a daytime voice mail tree to Help Desk ACD, 
Upgrade 644-4357 Supervisor Set.  A detailed flowchart will be emailed to Jean 
Spence and Mark Purvis.

This ENTIRE order MUST be coordinated with Mark Purvis

1. Steps to remove 4-8502
NOTES: 4-8502 will need a LEN. OTC will do this in-house
For 1 month - a recording which states that the number has changed to 644-HELP- 
that's 644-4357 and then transfer the call to 4-4357
For 1 month - a recording which states that the number has changed to 644-HELP- 
that's 644-4357- NO transfer.
Cancel 644-8502

2. "New " VM Tree Greeting 1- Need NEW DN for this!!!  (Please coordinate with 
Suzanne for recordings).

3. Change call queue time

Any questions, please contact me.

When I re-entered the order using the following text (between the starred 
lines), the order went through:

Attn Jean Spence

Order to remove 644-8502, add a daytime voice mail tree to Help Desk ACD, 
Upgrade 644-4357 Supervisor Set. A detailed flowchart will be emailed to Jean 
Spence and Mark Purvis.

This ENTIRE order MUST be coordinated with Mark Purvis

see email for details

Also, we are getting back for example "I\'m hoping..."  Somehow the slashes are 
coming through in the field and in the emails.  I am not even sure what is 
putting them in, as I don't see that in the replace function.  

Patricia Van Buskirk
Florida State University, Office of Telecommunications
644 W. Call Street
Tallahassee, FLĀ  32306-1120
(850) 644-9247

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