> One suggestion: you may want put mysql_real_escape_string() wrappers around
> all those $_POST[] fields to prevent SQL hijacking of your site.
>    mysqli_query($link, $sql) or die("Could not update..." .

Yves, he's using mysqli, not mysql. You should not mix those functions. What he should do is this:


$sql = "UPDATE `schreur` set FName=?, LName=?,
email=?, Business=?, Address1=?,
City=?, State=?, Zip=?, Coffee=?,
subscribed=?, date=?, IPAddress=?,
Meeting=? WHERE record=?";

$statement = mysqli_prepare($link, $sql);
        // etc..


Personally, I find the object style much easier to use than this procedural style, but I am just being consistent with his code. Using a prepare query will escape all necessary data automatically, provided your string of types ('sssssssssisssi') is correct.

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