On 13 September 2011 04:21, Ross McKay <ro...@zeta.org.au> wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Sep 2011 21:18:34 +0100, Richard Quadling wrote:
>>I'm just trying to get PHP to talk to a stored procedure which has IN,
>>INOUT and OUT parameters.
> You'll probably need to trick it into returning a row with your output
> params, like using this multi-statement query:
> "CALL testInOuts(10, @myNewInt, @myNewDT);SELECT @myNewInt, @myNewDT"
> see TFM for multi-query usage:
> http://au2.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.multi-query.php
>>P.S. I'm coming from MSSQL using the MS SQL Server Driver for PHP via
>>PDO, so a very different experience.
> Indeed, PDO is probably what you should be using if you want to use
> output parameters and MySQL in PHP.

I've seen this "return a row" mechanism. But that allows me to define
IN parameters and to capture OUT params, but does nothing for INOUTs
(as far as I can tell).

I'm in the process of de-coupling the code from SQL in PHP to use
prepared statements with stored procedures.

A large number of the SPs return 2 or 3 values and so OUT params was ideal.

I want to use PDO. There is no php_myslqi extension, just php_mysql.

I don't think I can use multi_query AND prepared statements.

I don't want to be going back a decade in development and having to
manually prepare SQL statements and escape/test parameters when there
is a nearly perfect mechanism already available.

I think moving from OUT and INOUT to a normal result set would be the
fastest way to move forward.



Richard Quadling
Twitter : EE : Zend : PHPDoc
@RQuadling : e-e.com/M_248814.html : bit.ly/9O8vFY : bit.ly/lFnVea

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