> Ok, so getting closer to the goal.. slight hiccup. I am experimenting  
> with some UNION and INNER JOIN and don't know if I am doing this  
> correctly or if this is the correct way to do this.
> I have now moved colors and sizes to their own tables and added a  
> product options table that has id combinations that relate to what  
> options a product has.
> Currently there is only colors and sizes, but this may expand  
> depending on needs.
> Now as I said above, I am trying to get the data out and using UNION  
> and INNER JOIN to mash everything up to a usable situation.
> STRUCTURE: (will attempt the fancy tables)
> +—————+—————+————————+
> |  colorid (P) |   pd_color   |   pd_color_desc   |
> +—————+—————+————————+
> |          1         |        Blk        |            Black            |
> +—————+—————+————————+
> |          2         |        Wht       |            White           |
> +—————+—————+————————+
> |          5         |        Pnk       |             Pink            |
> +—————+—————+————————+
> +—————+—————+———————+
> |   sizeid (P)  |    pd_size   |  pd_size_desc  |
> +—————+—————+———————+
> |          4         |         Md       |        Medium       |
> +—————+—————+———————+
> |          5         |         Lg        |        Large           |
> +—————+—————+———————+
> |          6         |         XL        |      Xtra Large    |
> +—————+—————+———————+
> PRODUCT OPTIONS TABLE: (Eg: mens shirt - pd_id == 1; womens - pd_id ==  
> 2)
> +————+————+—————+————+
> | optid (P) |    pd_id    |    colorid    |   sizeid    |
> +————+————+—————+————+
> |        1       |        1       |           1         |         
> 4       |
> +————+————+—————+————+
> |        2       |        1       |           1         |         
> 5       |
> +————+————+—————+————+
> |        3       |        1       |           1         |         
> 6       |
> +————+————+—————+————+
> |        4       |        1       |           2         |         
> 4       |
> +————+————+—————+————+
> |        5       |        1       |           2         |         
> 5       |
> +————+————+—————+————+
> |        6       |        1       |           2         |         
> 6       |
> +————+————+—————+————+
> |        7       |        2       |           1         |         
> 4       |
> +————+————+—————+————+
> |        8       |        2       |           1         |         
> 5       |
> +————+————+—————+————+
> etc.. etc..
> This is where I am stuck. I want to call the product options table
> with a product id, get the colors for that product, then get the sizes  
> for each color of said product.
> combine them with the product details and return everything to be  
> extracted.
> This is what I have currently and is causing the knot in my brain. If  
> anyone can help me at this point, I would greatly appreciate it.
> The first part of the $sql is the part that works. It grabs the main  
> product info out of the product table. That works fine.
> Everything after is what I was working on. From UNION down in the $sql  
> string.
> /* Get detail information of a product */
> function getProductDetail($pdId, $catId)
> {
>       global $database;
>       $_SESSION['shoppingReturnUrl'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
>       // get the product information from database
>       $sql = "SELECT pd_name, pd_series, pd_description, pd_price,  
> pd_image, pd_qty
>                       FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS."
>                       WHERE pd_id = ".mysql_real_escape_string($pdId)."
>                       //Start Me
>                       UNION
>                       SELECT colorid, sizeid, c.pd_color, c.pd_color_desc, 
> s.pd_size,  
> s.pd_size_desc
>                       FROM ".TABLE_PROD_OPTIONS." po
>                       WHERE pd_id = ".mysql_real_escape_string($pdId)."
>                       INNER JOIN ".TABLE_COLORS." c, ".TABLE_SIZES." s
>                       ON po.colorid = c.colorid AND po.sizeid = s.sizeid";
>                       //End Me

I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve here, your clauses are in
the wrong order (WHERE comes after joins). See if this gets you what
you're after.

SELECT c.pd_color_desc, s.pd_size
FROM `product_options` INNER JOIN `colors` AS c USING (colorID) INNER
JOIN `sizes` AS s USING (sizeID)
WHERE productID = 1
ORDER BY c.pd_color_desc, s.pd_size

>       $result = $database->query($sql);
>       $row    = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
>       extract($row);
>       //this is where I am trying to extract and order the colors and sizes.
>       if(mysql_num_rows($row['colorid']) >1) {
>       foreach($row['colorid'] as $color) {
>       ... //fetch each size for $color
>       } else {
>       ... //Get size for only color
>       }
>       $row['pd_description'] = nl2br($row['pd_description']);
>       if ($row['pd_image']) {
>               $row['pd_image'] = PRODUCT_IMAGE_DIR . $row['pd_image'];
>       } else {
>               $row['pd_image'] = WEB_ROOT . 'images/no-image-logo.png';
>       }
>       $row['cart_url'] = WEB_ROOT."cart.php?action=add&p=".$pdId."";
>       return $row;                    
> }
> Karl DeSaulniers
> Design Drumm
> http://designdrumm.com
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Niel Archer
niel.archer (at) blueyonder.co.uk

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