I haven't found them :( Please direct me...

Password lenght and content is not a problem (I guess!) since I tried changing 
it to a simple small "a" without any further success.

Thanks a bunch!

From: "Richard Quadling" <>
Sent: Thu, 5.6.2014 10:06
To: "Kjell Hansen" <>
Cc: php-db <>
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] MS Access Connection with database password

Did you read the notes regarding password length, password content and Access 
version issues?
Do any of these apply to you?
I suspect one of them does.

On 4 June 2014 21:48, Kjell Hansen <> wrote:


I'm trying to connect to a MS Access database that has a database password set.

According to you use the folowing as a 
connection string in such cases:

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\myFolder\myAccessFile.accdb; 
Jet OLEDB:Database Password=MyDbPassword;

Which I translate into

$dbcon = new PDO( 'odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver 
(*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\\exampledb.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=MyDbPassword;' );

But it doesn't work :(

When I have removed the password, there's no problem connecting but not with 
password set.

I don't make the database, it's maintained elsewhere and I plan to download it 
regularly and extract data from it so I need to connect to the database with 
the password set.

Any help or hints are deeply appreciated!



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