What is Bolt?
Bolt is specification made by Neo4j for communication with graph
databases and it runs over TCP socket which is uses for transfering
messages in binary. Currently this specification is used by Neo4j,
Memgraph and Amazon Neptune.
Documentation is available at: https://www.neo4j.com/docs/bolt/current/

Why adding Bolt?
Graph databases are becoming very popular even with PHP. I'm author of
Bolt php library https://github.com/neo4j-php/Bolt which is foundation
for the whole community and upon it are build another libraries.
I can see the impact. Also I have some information and dozens of
millions of people are going through my driver. I believe this
protocol should have place next to others as php extension.

How to make it possible?
There is no official C driver by Neo4j but Memgraph company has its
own as opensource. It's the best shot to start
Unfortunately I'm not a C developer. I can learn C but it will take
time and probably not the required quality.
I have made an experiment with pdo-bolt php library
https://github.com/stefanak-michal/pdo-bolt and it can provide some
insight about how it is possible.

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