I think the code itself should be fixed (with #ifdef or add it to the 
socket abstraction). It's dangerous to redefine errno because other code 
uses it too.


At 01:01 PM 1/14/2001 -0800, Christophe Thibault wrote:
>I just came across a bug still present in the latest php 4 release. i have
>the following script:
>   $g_ssock=fsockopen($server,$port,$errno,$errstr,30);
>   socket_set_blocking($g_ssock,0);
>   while(!feof($g_ssock))
>     echo fgets($g_ssock,4096);
>if you uncomment the socket_set_blocking line it will work fine on win32,
>but with non blocking sockets,  feof will always return true. by digging
>through the code, it appears that fsock.c uses the errno() function for
>determining any socket error as seen in function php_sockread_internal:
>         } else if(nr_bytes == 0 || (nr_bytes < 0 && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)) {
>                 sock->eof = 1;
>         }
>the problem is that win32 doesn't report socket errors with _errno() but
>with WSAGetLastError() so here is my fix:
>in fsock.c, line 46, replace:
>#ifdef PHP_WIN32
>#include <winsock.h>
>#ifdef PHP_WIN32
>#include <winsock.h>
>#undef errno
>#define errno (WSAGetLastError())
>and now it works like a charm :) please submit my patch to the cvs server so
>i can benefit of it in the next php releases
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