From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Win 2000
PHP version:      4.0.4
PHP Bug Type:     Reproduceable crash
Bug description:  Crash on comparing GLOBALS Variabel

I installed php 4.04 just as is. No settings are changed.

I fill the globals varibel with these functions:
function ReadSettingsFile($filename){
                if (file_exists($filename)){
                        $FileContest = file ($filename);
                        while (list ($line_num, $line) = each ($FileContest)) {
                            $line = ereg_replace("[\n\r]", "", $line);
                                list ($name, $value) = split("=", $line);
                                if ($name != null && $value != null){
                                        $GLOBALS[$name] = $value;
        function ReadSetFile($filename){
                if (file_exists($filename)){
                        $FileContest = split("\n", pack("H*", join("", file ('./'. 
                        while (list ($line_num, $line) = each ($FileContest)) {
                            $line = ereg_replace("[\n\r]", "", $line);
                                list ($name, $value) = split("=", $line);
                                if ($name != null && $value != null){
                                        $GLOBALS[$name] = $value;

When I run this peas of script later in the program the program terminates:

while(ereg ("%%([^%\/]*)%%", $workingtemplate, $name)){
                        if ($tempinput{$name[1]} != null){
                                $workingtemplate = ereg_replace("%%$name[1]%%", 
$tempinput{$name[1]}, $workingtemplate);
                        }elseif($HTTP_ENV_VARS{$name[1]} != null){
                                $workingtemplate = ereg_replace("%%$name[1]%%", 
$HTTP_ENV_VARS{$name[1]}, $workingtemplate);
                        }elseif($GLOBALS[$name[1]] != null){
                                $workingtemplate = ereg_replace("%%$name[1]%%", 
$GLOBALS[$name[1]], $workingtemplate);
                                $workingtemplate = ereg_replace("%%$name[1]%%", "", 

When I comment these lines, the script won;t crash:

//}elseif($GLOBALS[$name[1]] != null){
//$workingtemplate = ereg_replace("%%$name[1]%%", $GLOBALS[$name[1]], 

It seams like the global variable is to big or something like that. But when I don't 
fill the variables at the top the program still terminates. Then I get a DrWatson Like 
error but then the win 2000 way. I also use MySQL. Closing MySQL didn't help eather. I 
restart didn't bother eather.

If there are any questions please let me know.



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