From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Win2k
PHP version:      4.0.4
PHP Bug Type:     Feature/Change Request
Bug description:  Include's & passing varibles on Win*

Ok I was tring to include a file and tring to pass a var, tried many ways.. needless 
to say I couldnt get it to work.
<?php inlcude("links.php?show=true"); ?> -- no good
<?php include(""); ?> -- no good
So I get on IRC, no on really had a answer for my question 'Why cannt I include, and 
pass varibles on a windows server?'
bug list: says you cannt 
include("http://server/file.php") if you cannt include a server, how can you pass a 
var through include? I am not sure if you consider this a 'bug' but, it would be nice 
to include & passing vars ;\

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