ID: 8776
Updated by: jimw
Old-Status: Open
Status: Closed
Bug Type: Date/time related
Assigned To: 

php just uses the underlying c library's strftime. bug microsoft. :)

(noted in the documentation.)

Previous Comments:

[2001-01-19 02:48:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have tried all possible formatting characters ...

echo "%a: ".strftime("%a")."n";
echo "%A: ".strftime("%A")."n";
echo "%b: ".strftime("%b")."n";
echo "%B: ".strftime("%B")."n";
echo "%c: ".strftime("%c")."n";
echo "%C: ".strftime("%C")."n";
echo "%d: ".strftime("%d")."n";
echo "%D: ".strftime("%D")."n";
echo "%e: ".strftime("%e")."n";
echo "%h: ".strftime("%h")."n";
echo "%H: ".strftime("%H")."n";
echo "%I: ".strftime("%I")."n";
echo "%j: ".strftime("%j")."n";
echo "%m: ".strftime("%m")."n";
echo "%M: ".strftime("%M")."n";
echo "%n: ".strftime("%n")."n";
echo "%p: ".strftime("%p")."n";
echo "%r: ".strftime("%r")."n";
echo "%R: ".strftime("%R")."n";
echo "%S: ".strftime("%S")."n";
echo "%t: ".strftime("%t")."n";
echo "%T: ".strftime("%T")."n";
echo "%u: ".strftime("%u")."n";
echo "%U: ".strftime("%U")."n";
echo "%V: ".strftime("%V")."n";
echo "%W: ".strftime("%W")."n";
echo "%w: ".strftime("%w")."n";
echo "%x: ".strftime("%x")."n";
echo "%X: ".strftime("%X")."n";
echo "%y: ".strftime("%y")."n";
echo "%Y: ".strftime("%Y")."n";
echo "%Z: ".strftime("%Z")."n";

... and the result is ...

%a: Fri
%A: Friday
%b: Jan
%B: January
%c: 01/19/01 08:38:12
%d: 19
%H: 08
%I: 08
%j: 019
%m: 01
%M: 38
%p: AM
%S: 12
%U: 02
%W: 03
%w: 5
%x: 01/19/01
%X: 08:38:12
%y: 01
%Y: 2001
%Z: Střední Evropa (běžný čas)

I also updated OS information. I have Win98 SE (sorry for that).

I have PHP running on Apache 1.3.14 as an Apache modul.

I hope it will help.


[2001-01-18 06:55:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't know the relation of the function to OS. But when I use this code:

echo "%V: ".strftime("%V")."<br>n";
echo "%U: ".strftime("%U")."<br>n";
echo "%W: ".strftime("%W")."<br>n";

... the HTML result is:

%U: 02
%W: 03

... so only %V does not work.


[2001-01-18 06:16:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This works for me in Linux just fine. (latest CVS) 
Maybe this is yet another 'Windows only' bug?



[2001-01-18 03:35:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Function strftime("%V") does not return any value. Should return ISO number of week.


Full Bug description available at:

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