> There is a thread that describes what happens and a discussion on how to
> change Zend/PHP to not do this.  Here is the link:
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-dev&m=97923602322593&w=2
> Now, being the 133t C hacker that I am NOT, I do not dare dive into this.
> However, I did use the recommendations given in this thread and it appeared
> to have a definite effect on the performance of my server.  It did however,
> as the author warned, make PHP unstable.

That solution is not good for sure. In original PHP
all allocated memory blocks are stored in a list
and there's a control on it. After my changes the
list is not supported and it may cause many memory
management problems (including the described, but in
some different circumstances).

Thanks for your response !

Filip Sielimowicz

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