  thanks for looking into the matter, but I think you are not entirely
right. PATH_INFO _is_ supported under IIS, but not like Apache (and it is
indeed buggy under some circumstances). As I said, the PHP engine seems
to be started correctly, but it doesn't parse the path to the php script
right. I might be completely of the mark here, I don't how PHP works
internally, but if IIS has the sense to at least start the PHP engine, there
must be a way to parse the correct script :)

Thanks again,
Auke van Slooten

On 29 Jan 2001, Bug Database wrote:

> ID: 7782
> Updated by: jmoore
> Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Status: Open
> Old-Bug Type: IIS related
> Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
> Assigned To:
> Comments:
> After some research ive found that iis doesnt infact support this
> (dont know why its in CGI specs) You might want to take a look at:
> http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q184/3/20.ASP
> and
> http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q252/3/52.ASP
> Changing to feature/change reqest.
> James
> Previous Comments:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2001-01-28 16:12:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Verified under win2k IIS, will look into it further although this might be a general 
>difference between IIS and Apache PHP has no control over.
> James
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2000-11-13 09:19:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Under Apache it is possible to add non existant paths/files after a call to a 
>script, e.g.:
> http://host/script.php/a/path/template.html
> in which case Apache will start php with script.php and /a/path/template.html in the 
>server variable PATH_INFO.
> when trying this in IIS 5.0 under windows 2000, it seems that IIS correctly calls 
>the phpisapi.dll, but php then returns the message:
> Warning: Failed opening 'd:inetpubwwwroottest.phpapathtemplate.html' for inclusion 
>(include_path='') in Unknown on line 0
> It would be nice if this worked like with the apache version...
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Full Bug description available at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=7782

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