From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Variables related
Bug description:  Variable Variables not "setting" as expected

Defined two variable variables.  Expected each to have a different value, both ended 
up with same value. 

$counter = 0;
$$countrycodefinal = "ctrycode" . $counter;
$$aproposfinal = "aproposCitizen" . $counter;
echo ${$countrycodefinal} . "<br>";
echo ${$aproposfinal} . "<p>";

I expected the value of $$countrycodefinal to be "ctrycode0" and the value of 
$aaproposfinal to be "aproposCitizen0", instead BOTH ended up with the value of 

I've repeated this several times whenever I use more than one variable variable in the 
same script.

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