From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux 2.2
PHP version:      4.0 Latest CVS (14/02/2001)
PHP Bug Type:     PCRE related
Bug description:  passing preg_split a limit parameter of 0 supresses all matches

Somewhere in the last few weeks, preg_split changed so that specifiying a limit 
parameter of 0 returns the string to be split unchanged. Before that, 0 was seemingly 
treated as no limit, meaning that you could safely specify 0 as the limit argument in 
order to specify a flag as the fourth argument.


$foo = 'a|b|c|d';
$m = preg_split('/|/', $foo, 0);



will return everything in the same array, whereas if the limit argument is left off 
(or increased), the string gets split up. The behavior allowing 0 to be no limit 
should be returned, or another safe argument for limit that means no limit documented.

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