On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Stig Venaas wrote:
> Not quite sure we need array_find(). If we can have in_array() set
> the array pointer to point to the entry found, one can get the key
> by using key(). If in_array() also searches from the pointer onwards,
> one can find all entries with the value by doing:
> reset($arr);
> while (in_array($val, $arr)) {
>       $keys[] = key($arr);
>       next($arr);
> }

in_array() used to move the pointer to the entry found, but people
complained about it so I remove it... :)

> I would prefer this rather then adding array_find() I think. If we
> add array_find() I want similar functionality there. If not, I would
> like an option for returning an array with all entries with the value.

You can use array_keys($array, 'value') for that.


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