ID: 1249
Updated by: stas
Status: Open
Bug Type: URL related
Assigned To: 

I, personally, don't see why it has to parse such bogus URLs
at all... Any arguments?

Previous Comments:

[2001-02-10 14:56:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
refiled against 4.0.


[2001-02-10 13:12:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
this is a real bug, although relatively minor.


[1999-03-20 18:26:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
it is a minor glitch, though parse_url('?') returns path
set, but query unset. After looking at url_parse() it seeems,
that is would be more rational to test for subs[7].rm_so <= lentgh
Equality case makes more sense for all the comparisons (maybe
except for scheme where it wouldnt matter). Result of this
would be, that any part that has its prefix present but value
absent and is at the end of string would be set (though empty)
Examples: '?' - query should be set, 'path#' fragment should
be set, 'http://' hostname should be set to empty
Another glitch is regexp for user:pass@host:port part. Now
the regexp is ^(([^@:]+)(:([^@:]+))?@)?([^:@]+)(:([^:@]+))?
while i suggest ^(([^@:]*)(:([^@:]*))?@)?([^:@]*)(:([^:@]*))?
This is also in accordance with regex for the whole url.


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