From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: IRIX 6.5.7
PHP version:      4.0.2
PHP Bug Type:     Directory function related
Bug description:  dir() only returns first 6 chars correctly

Hi Folks,

I have run into a problem using the dir() function.

The following code behaves properly on linux and does not using irix:

Contents of the dir (only folders) are:


When I execute the following code:

echo ("Dir Path = $dir_path<br>");
$dir = dir(".");
$dir -> rewind();
echo ("file is $file<br>\n");
echo ("file is $file<br>\n");
echo ("file is $file<br>\n");
echo ("file is $file<br>\n");

I get the following incorrect results (php 4.0.2, irix 6.5.7)

Dir Path = /Public/Web/db/msds
file is .
file is ..
file is CH104
file is CH105
file is CH120
file is ABCDEFþõ~KL
file is abcdefþõ~kl

So, it appears that if the dir (or file) is less than or equal to 6 char the
dir() function work correctly.  However, if it is longer, the name get

On a redhat linux box (php 4.0.2), it works fine and I get proper dir names. 
This behavior is the same for filenames not just dir names.

I have checked the and email lists without finding information
related to this problem.  Hope I have not missed it some where...

Dean Waldow, Associate Professor             (253) 535-7533
Department of Chemistry                      (253) 536-5055 (FAX)
Pacific Lutheran University                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tacoma, WA  98447   USA             
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