On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Jim Winstead wrote:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>   Hi there,
>>   I just came across something very odd:
>>   After setting
>>     arg_separator = "&amp;"
>>   in my php.ini Tobias Ratschiller's phpMyAdmin no longer works
>>   correctly.
>>   The start page loads correctly, every page thereafter dies with an SQL
>> error.
>things break because someone was dumb and used the "arg_separator" that
>used to be used to handle parsing the incoming request to also handle the
>parsing that the session-id adding stuff does, and then changed the
>documentation for arg_separator without regard to the existing behavior.
>so the get parsing is now expecting to use &amp; to separate arguments
>when you set arg_separator that way.
>there should be two config variables for this.

This little patch (hack, I know :) addresses this problem.
Please check it out and tell me whether it could be committed
or not. This hack relies on the fact that only & and ; are
supported by browsers.


Index: php_variables.c
RCS file: /repository/php4/main/php_variables.c,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -r1.21 php_variables.c
--- php_variables.c     2001/02/26 06:07:31     1.21
+++ php_variables.c     2001/03/11 05:52:51
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
 void php_treat_data(int arg, char *str, zval* destArray ELS_DC PLS_DC
        char *res = NULL, *var, *val;
-       const char *c_var;
+       const char *c_var, *delim;
        pval *array_ptr;
        int free_buffer=0;
        char *strtok_buf = NULL;
@@ -277,12 +277,16 @@

+       if (PG(arg_separator) != ";") {
+               delim = "&";
+       } else {
+               delim = ";";
+       }
        if (arg == PARSE_COOKIE) {
                var = php_strtok_r(res, ";", &strtok_buf);
-       } else if (arg == PARSE_POST) {
-               var = php_strtok_r(res, "&", &strtok_buf);
        } else {
-               var = php_strtok_r(res, PG(arg_separator), &strtok_buf);
+               var = php_strtok_r(res, delim, &strtok_buf);

        while (var) {
@@ -298,7 +302,7 @@
                if (arg == PARSE_COOKIE) {
                        var = php_strtok_r(NULL, ";", &strtok_buf);
                } else {
-                       var = php_strtok_r(NULL, PG(arg_separator), &strtok_buf);
+                       var = php_strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_buf);
        if (free_buffer) {

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