From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Windows NT 4.0
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Performance problem
Bug description:  mail() still doesn't send cc

script example:
$mailto="[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
$mailsubject="cc test";
$mailmessage="message content";
$mailHeader="Cc:[EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\n";
the mail was sent?
echo "<br>returnvar= $returnvar<br>";
The above does not send the carbon copy.

I think the problem is here in win32 sendmail.c :

        if (headers && (pos1 = strstr(headers, "Cc:"))) {
                pos2 = strstr(pos1, "\r\n");
                tempMailTo = estrndup(pos1, pos2-pos1);

Should be  tempMailTo = estrndup(pos1+2, pos2-pos1); 
I think since the pos of "Cc: would give the position of the first C in "Cc:".
"headers" should also be made all upper case to catch the "cc" or the "CC"

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