From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: W2K
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Class/Object related
Bug description:  Object linking

The script shown attempts to implement a linked list, but the problem is more general 
and occurs in many similar situations.

$d1 = @new obj("one");  //      Suppress the warning over the missing argument
$d2 = new obj("two",   $d1);
$d3 = new obj("three", $d2);
$d4 = new obj("four",  $d3);
$d5 = new obj("five",  $d4);

// Dump what should be the entire linked list

// Now to demonstrate the problem:
// No matter where you begin the dump() from, only the
// $this node and its immediate successor are printed.
$d2->dump(); print("<p>");
$d3->dump(); print("<p>");

class obj {
  var $next;
  var $name;
  function &obj($name,&$prev) {
    //  Add each new object as the "next" pointer of the preceeding one

    this->name = $name;
    if ($prev) $prev->next = $this;
function dump() {
  for ( $ptr = $this; $ptr; $ptr = $ptr->next) print($ptr->name . "<br>");

It seems that when an object's data is manipulated by a different object - even as 
here, of the same class - the changes made to the object are lost when its context 

Configuration: Absolutely standard
Webserver: Apache and IIS ... same problem in both, and under cgi and as a module
Aggravation factor: Immense

Cheer chaps for an otherwise excellent language!

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