I've got a PHP coded version already, I was just looking at the interest in
having this part of the language.

My approach is more simplistic, I've never had a problem with it.

  function mprint($mask, $value, $mask_char = "X")
      if (empty($value))
          return false;

      $retval = ""; // init return value
      $vp = 0; // value position

      for ($i=0; $i<strlen($mask); $i++) {
          if ($mask[$i] == $mask_char) {
              // append char to retval
              $retval .= $value[$vp];
              $vp++; // increment position
          } else {
              $retval .= $mask[$i]; // don't mess with this char

      if ($vp != strlen($value))
          $retval .= substr($value,$vp,strlen($value)); // append left-overs

      return $retval;
  } /* end of function mprint() */


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 09 April, 2001 2-44 pM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Would anybody find this useful besides me?

I wrote a little function to do something similar to that.
It's a little weak but does a fairly good job formatting.  Maybe sombody
will make it better and send me the code too ;-)

// format($element, $format)
// element=<input ...>
// format="(999)999-9999 xxxxx"
// 9=numeric digit
// X=converts alpha to uppercase
// x=anything goes
// anything-else=hardcoded format literals.
// above format would take 1234567890 and conver it to (123)456-7890
// amazingly format="99/99/9999" doesn't add 0's but does convert 01012000
// 01/01/2000 it also accepts 1/1/2000 and leaves it as 1/1/2000
// but "999-99-9999" truncates 333-2-24444 to 333-2-2444
// Use:
// <form>
// <input type=text name=f1
function format ($e,$f) {
  if (($e=='') || ($f=='')) return $e;
  while(strcmp($ev=substr($e,$ei,1),"") && strcmp($fv=substr($f,$fi,1),""))
    switch($fv) {
    case '9':
      if (strpos($numbers,$ev)!==false) {
      else { // else clause causes 1/1/1999 to be accepted as such
 if (substr($f,$fi+1,1)==$ev)
    case 'X':
    case 'x':
      if ($ev==$fv){
      else {
  return $r;

""Chris Newbill"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Just curious to see if anybody else would see the usefulness of having a
> masking print function?  I dunno maybe call it mprint().
> Where I could pass my mask, my value and optionally the mask char,
> defaulting to something off I guess like "~".
> mprint ( mask , value [, mask_char])
> So I could
>  $str = mprint("(XXX) XXX.XXXX", "4064498056", "X");
>  print $str;
> and would get
> (406) 449.8056
> Chris Newbill
> OneWest.net Inc.,
> Programmer/Analyst
> 406.449.8056
> /*
> Windows crashed.
> I am the Blue Screen of Death.
> No one hears your screams.
> */
> --
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