From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux2.2.12
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     *Network Functions
Bug description:  Garbled Data/timeout with UDP-Socket

function foo($ip,$port)
$fp = fsockopen("udp://".$ip,$port);
$a = fread($fp,5000);

This code is for querying a HalfLife-Server (left out if 
($fp) ...).
The script works till it tries to read from the socket. 
PHP reads a part of the string the server should return 
and hangs till the socket times out.

The same method in C, Perl etc works perfectly so I assume 
there is a problems with PHP and UDP-Sockets.

Trying to read multiple lines from a server connected to 
with an UDP-Socket give garbled Data+Timeout.

Again C, Perl work perfectly.

(recent version from CVS do not work, too)

Edit Bug report at:

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